-- 11/8/6067 -- In the day and a half of travel it required to reach the home of Omar Dalb, the newly met companions related their stories to one another. Kasendra, the halfling, had early in her life discovered her passion for adventure which is found in so few of her race, a passion which had alienated her from her most unadventurous people. She had left her homelands and joined a band of adventurers, including the fair-haired human, Tibulus, a swordsman and balladeer. Their group had had many adventures, but of late their luck had fallen, with two companions dead, a third hopelessly insane, and the last turned to stone. With the one who had been slain a few days before, these two had chosen to seek vengeance but had been foiled by the spells and wards around the palace grounds. Now, however, their reasons for coming on this quest were different. From Evrin and Graynyr, they had learned that the sorcerer, Omar Dalb, had recently been slain in a sorcerous duel. Omar had kept a number of twisted parodies of animals in the dungeons beneath his palace, monstrosities which were now escaping since he was not around to control them. It was these fleeing monsters which were wreaking havoc upon the countryside. These two hardened adventurers now chose to help in this endeavor to recover the magical Casket of Kartheus and to help in the fight against the dark elves, glad for once to finally fight for a cause other than mere avarice, which had cost them so much for mere gold and gems. Helping against the dark elves would be no less dangerous than anything else they had done, and most likely more so, yet at least there was a cause to give them purpose. Thus far in the journey to the palace, the foursome had fought off one monster and eluded a couple of others. At last they found themselves before a thorny and impenetrable hedgerow some thirty yards high, a product of Omar's fascination with plantlife. The Seer of Baharri had spoken of the sorcerer' preference for the vegetable over the animal, of how he had created as well as procured a large number of exotic, animated plants which were planted in a garden surrounding his palace, all enclosed by a phenomenally large hedgerow. The Seer had also provided means of passage through these defenses. From his pack, Evrin drew a transparent disk of some quartz-like material, covered with arcane calligraphy. Following the Seer's instructions, he held the disk before him and walked towards the hedgerow. The air in front of him shimmered, motes of light flared into existence and danced crazily. The hedgerow vibrated wildly before its thorny branches were thrust aside as if by invisible hands, forming a pathway through the thickness of the hedge. The others quickly followed the elf through this passage as it began to close up behind him as he entered. They sprinted through the opening as it closed itself up, following closely on their heels. They barely were on the other side when it was restored to its solid status, all traces of its opening now gone. The four now stood on a strip of grass some ten feet wide, running for as far as the eye could see in either direction along the inside of the hedgerow. On the other side of the path were the gardens of Omar, a myriad collection of plants the likes of which the four had never before seen in any moments of sanity. Wondrous varieties of the plant kingdom thrived here: roses on the ends of tendrils undulating rhythmically in the breeze; chameleon-like leaves changing and mixing their hues; serpentine vines wrestled and whipped at other plants; air lilies floated on the breeze; a bush with flaming blossoms set smoking any vine that snaked too close; large flower pods with interiors like comfortable chairs opened invitingly; plants with hollow, flute-like stems swayed with the breeze, piping lovely tunes which carried across the sea of flora; and a host of others with less describable attributes. Evrin stood tossing the disk from hand to hand, looking out over the sea of plantlife and commenting upon how hot the talisman had become. "Then let us follow this pathway," suggested Tibulus. "There might be a walkway up to yonder palace," he added, pointed towards the spired mansion across the gardens. Evrin wrapped the disk in a cloth and all followed the words of the balladeer, walking along the grassy strip between the towering hedge and the gardens. They kept to its center to avoid the magicked thorns on one side and the groping vines on the other. After a mile or so of walking, they had found nothing except for a creature -- part owl and part lizard -- not long dead and in the midst of being consumed by a thing that looked to be a hybrid of a black rose bush and a Venus's flytrap, with flashing, razor-sharp teeth. Not knowing how far it might be to the nearest walkway -- if indeed there was one -- they decided to call upon the powers of the disk again. They moved through the garden, the plants being thrust out of their way. Creepers trying to grasp at them burst into flames with harsh, alien screams of pain. As they pressed onwards, Evrin had to put on a glove and wrap a cloth around his hand to protect it from the radiating heat of the disk. At one point, the disk slipped from his grasp to land on a stone, chipping off a small shard which detonated with a painful burst of heat and light. Fortunately, the quartz disk still retained its powers, protecting them from the foul garden. They moved as fast as they dared, for they could not stop to let the disk cool here in the middle of this perilous garden. They finally broke out of a grove of weeping willows -- whose tears and mournful wails seemed to bode ill for them -- to find themselves confronted by a most mortal danger: they stood at the edge of a courtyard before the palace... A courtyard with nearly a dozen hulking humanoid monstrosities. The monsters, on seeing these puny beings, grabbed their clubs -- or at least those amongst them who had need of weapons -- and began advancing upon the adventurers. With the gardens at their backs and the disk beginning to glow from the heat it was emitting, death seemed assured. Evrin, however, remembering when he had dropped the disk before, lobbed the piece of quartz at the monsters, ordering his companions to take cover as he himself dropped flat. There was a tremendous explosion and numerous, yet brief animalistic ululations of agony and death. When the four looked up, they saw that the parodies and cross-breeds had been scattered about the courtyard, their corpses charred and smoking. The aroma of burnt flesh, fur, and feathers hung thick in the air. A massive crater was torn in the flagstones, the only sign of where the disk had landed. Kasendra immediately turned on the elf, shouting, "You imbecile! That was our only way out of these grounds!" "Calm yourself," soothed Evrin. "I should not think that we would have had need of the disk again had those abominations overpowered us. And as for a means of egress, remember that these beings must have some means of leaving this place to commit the deeds they have done to those nearby." "He's right," confirmed Graynyr, pointing towards another side of the courtyard. "There is a path smashed through the trees over there." The halfling grumbled under her breath, but paid the elf an apology anyway. As one given to thiefly pursuits, she hated not having an escape route at her back, should one become needed as had happened several times in her career. A howl of fury split the air of the courtyard turned battlefield as a humanoid creature barreled from the portal which had once contained the front door of the palace which had long ago been torn from its hinges. Nearly twelve feet tall, the lupine beast was on top of them almost before they could react, smashing Evrin to the ground with a large tree branch. The halfling drew a pair of daggers and hurled them a the furry creature, having the satisfaction of seeing one plunge into its leg. Graynyr had stepped behind the monster when it had clubbed Evrin, and now delivered it a savage gash in the lower back. The beast howled its pain and fury, swinging its club blindly behind it, catching the half-elf on the arm and knocking him for a spin. Tibulus slashed the beast on the leg, drawing its attention and its next blow to him. He hurled himself to the scorched ground, rolling with the blow but getting bruised and battered in any case. With the beast's attention otherwise occupied, Graynyr took advantage of this opening to deliver it a wicked sword wound in the leg, hamstringing it. The beast fell to its knees, emitting an ear-splitting howl. The half-elf moved in and rammed his longsword into its back, angling it upwards into the heart, or at least where he hoped its heart would be. The lupine creature slumped over, dying with a pitiful whimper. They took stock of themselves: Graynyr and Tibulus were not badly wounded. However, Evrin had trouble keeping his feet firmly under him and several of his ribs were cracked. Knowing that they dare not leave one of their number behind, they continued onwards as a group, lending the elf what support he required. The Seer's powers of seeing over great distances had been unable to penetrate the wards surrounding the sorcerer's palace, and had therefore been unable to tell them much of the palace's layout or what might guard it. All he had told them was that the Casket lay in the tallest spire. The foursome wandered through the upper levels of the palace. They fended off a couple of the lesser monstrosities and passed many more which were long dead and decaying, most apparently having served as meals for their fellows. Finally, they came across a large door with a grotesque gargoyle face carved into it, leering out into the room. When Tibulus made to open the door, the gargoyle's wooden features animated and it shouted, "Die, Thief!" Flames shot from its mouth, burning the man's arm. He leaped back, smacking at the smoldering remains of his shirt, burnt away to reveal the brightly shining sleeve of light, finely interwoven chainmail beneath. Any further attempts to near the door brought similar results. They were trying to decide how to get passed this barrier when Kasendra produced a metal vial from her belt pouch -- spoils from a previous adventure. She popped off its lid and down its contents, wrinkling her nose at its foul taste. The halfling stepped towards the door, opening her mouth and exhaling as the leerd, reptilian creature descended upon them. Tibulus's enchanted blade was out in a flash, hacking off one of the creature's leathery black wings. The demonic creature grabbed at the staircase, breaking its fall. Kasendra slashed the side of its face and Evrin contributed what he could, carving off its taloned fingers with a charmed dagger he had discovered in the workroom of Roarshahk some weeks back. The creature lost its grip and fell, dashing its brains out on the stone floor below. They reached the chamber above unaccosted any further, and found themselves in a large magical laboratory with all of the necessary implements, and many unnecessary ones as well. But most important of all was the pedestal on the far side of the chamber, upon which sat a small box made of a black substance which looked to absorb all light, with hinges and latch made of brightly polished silver. Graynyr started towards the box, but Tibulus stopped him, pointing towards the pair of burly stone statues reached the chamber above unaccosted any further, and found themselves in a large magical laboratory with all of the necessary implements, and many unnecessary ones as well. But most important of all was the pedestal on the far side of the chamber, upon which sat a small box made of a black substance which looked to absorb all light, with hinges and latch made of brightly polished silver. Graynyr started towards the box, but Tibulus stopped him, pointing towards the pair of burly stone statues flanking the pedestal. "Those are animated statues, lest I miss my mark. Most unpleasant guardians, and I doubt they will be easy to destroy. Let Kasendra take the case and you and I will have to hold them off, since the elf is in no condition to fight." Following the human's guidance, the halfling snatched the box from its resting place and ran for the far side of the chamber. The two statues immediately began to pursue her, but the two warriors closed and attacked, trying to force the animated statues back. Both fighters took painful blows from the guardian's stone fists, and while Tibulus was chipping off pieces of his opponent with his enchanted longsword, Graynyr achieved little more than dulling the edge of his own blade. Evading his opponent, Graynyr leapt over a table. The stone creation smashed its way through the table, crushing some alchemical apparatus containing some viscus, bubbling fluid. The resulting explosion blew the statue to flinders, raining shrapnel throughout the laboratory. Several more minor explosions detonated, causing fires to spread rapidly across the tables laden with volatile alchemical concoctions. Tibulus took another chunk out of his opponent, then turned and fled with Graynyr after their companions. As they were descending the stairs, another, larger explosion went off, shaking the tower. They moved faster, catching up with Evrin and the halfling in the courtyard. Together, they charged down the path that had been crushed through the gardens, darting past animated plants before they could react. When the four broke out of the garden, a tremendous explosion shattered the palace, the shock wave knocking them flat on the ground. They looked back at where the palace had stood, seeing nothing but a towering pyre of flames, spheres of light dancing and bouncing around the flames or shooting up into the evening sky. Secondary explosions kept going off, heralding the detonation of some powerfully enchanted item or other. The fires were visible all night, and by morning they could still hear the occasional detonation break the dawn silence. -- 11/10/6067 -- "Then its true, Omar Dalb's dead!" A cheer arose from the gathering crowd. "Yes," proclaimed Tibulus from where he stood in front of the tavern, using his skills to play up to the crowd, "you need never again worry about that evil sorcerer. However, you must not forget that those of this minions who were free when we destroyed his palace remain alive. Many will flee, but others will remain. Of these you must still beware." "But you can hunt them down," called out a voice. "Alas, but we cannot," admitted the minstrel. "On the morrow we must leave to take away an item of great evil that it may never harm the innocent again. However, there are other hunters here who can band together to track down those which remain. But allow that to await the coming of a new day. Tonight, let us celebrate!" Another cheer broke from the crowd.