Finn enters the Cloven Shield Inn ================================= The sun had just set on the world, the last rays of light creeping from the horizon. The night creatures began to stir restlessly, and cautious people checked their doors and window out of long habit to be sure that they were safe. They knew that darkness hides many a thing. The main door of the pup creaked open and a slim figure entered, carefully closing the door behind it. The figure stood still for a moment, scanning the room, looking for things worth seeing. With a sigh, the cloaked figure silently went to the counter and ordered. "A mug of tea, please." Wes gave the woman her tea, and then stayed there, wiping the top of the counter with a dirty rag. "So, just stopping through?" he asked casually. "Just stopping through," she replied, her voice surprisingly deep and full, low and resonant. She glanced up from her drink long enough to look into Wes's startled eyes before she took her mug and walked to an empty table in the far end of the room. Wes stared at nothing for a second, then finished wiping the bar. "I guess I'd better check on the ale store," he thought, taking no more notice of the new arrival. Finn put her lips to the mug and inhaled deeply, savoring the long breath of aromatic herbs before letting it out again. She liked the pub, immediately feeling at home in the dark, close atmosphere. She wondered how long she would be here before having to move on to other cozy pubs. Other pubs, other towns, other cultures. Lost in thought, Finn let herself drift as the tea in her hands slowly grew cold.