An unhandled VMS exception simply writes the condition, signal arguments, stack contents, and register dump to the standard output. This is seldom useful in production software, because: The user doesn't even notice the exception. Even if they do, they aren't aware of the implications. Even if they are, they don't know that they should copy the dump. Even if they do, they aren't quick enough. Even if they are, they don't remember to inform you. Even if they do . . . IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH TO HELP YOU FIND THE BUG. So i wrote a relatively simple condition handler to solve all of the problems listed above. It traps any status desired, captures the data described below (some via $getjpi() and $getsyi() calls, some via a user-written system service named HOLMES), and logs it to a file named HARDWARE_EXCEPTION.RPT (in the login directory, if such is defined). The data written out includes: process information ========================================================================== the original condition which caused the exception names (user, process, account, terminal) times (login, cpu) image filespec default directory privileges (current, default, authorized, image) quotas (limit, count) working set (default, quota, extent, peak) system information ========================================================================== names (node, architecture, hardware, hardware model) times (boot, current) VMS version free global pages free global sections call stack ========================================================================== PC of each frame registers for each frame arguments in each frame [1] open file information [2] ========================================================================== channel number access (section, read, write, exclusive) resultant filespec or full device name activated image information [2] ========================================================================== channel number imagename (maybe filename, maybe logical name) ident (from LINK command) creation date (from LINK command) current "installed" state (a.k.a. "known file" state) if applicable how linked (/debug, /traceback, /sysexe or sys.stb) global section major & minor idents virtual address range current patches if any (ECO numbers) [3] active timers information [2] ========================================================================== type (normal, system subroutine, wake entry) (repeat) (cpu-based) event flag number AST routine address request identification (also the AST parameter) expiration date/time active locks information [2] ========================================================================== lock id parent id (or zero) resource name (part printable, part binary . . . ugh) octal group number from UIC (or the word "system") access mode (user, super, exec, kernel) currently granted mode (nl, cr, pr, cw, pw, ex) currently requested mode (nl, cr, pr, cw, pw, ex) request state (granted, converting, waiting) value block contents (four unsigned longwords) [1] not very reliable on ALPHA machines [2] written to the file only if the HOLMES package (q.v.) is installed [3] not applicable on ALPHA machines, since there is no PATCH.EXE for them Examples for each architecture are provided in the SAMPLE_AXP_EXCEPTION.RPT and SAMPLE_VAX_EXCEPTION.RPT files. It would be nice to take advantage of any images linked /TRACEBACK to mimic that output --- including module names, function names, and line numbers --- but I just don't have time to decipher the TBK files in the [Vxx.TRACE.LIS] source listings. Sorry, I would very much like to do this, but not yet. Of course this makes life easier for the Technical Support employees; all of the information about which images, versions, and patches are all nicely written out for them to a single file automatically so that all they have to do is download that one .RPT back to me. I, too, find it incredibly useful when debugging an access violation or some similar exception during development, because I now have each image's virtual address range written down for me; a hex subtraction against the offending PC and a quick offset against the addresses listed in the .MAP file, and I've narrowed down the guilty instruction exactly, even in a dynamically-loaded shareable image. This directory contains the source code and option files for both images and a sample program demonstrating a call. There are two implementation methods available: a condition handler that you can establish directly named HER_HandleException(), and a function your handler can call named HER_ReportException(). ok dpm -- David P. Murphy systems programmer (personal) COGITO ERGO DISCLAMO (work)