Many VMS systems programmers have found the "SHOW PROCESS /CHANNEL" and "SHOW PROCESS /IMAGES" commands within the System Analyzer very useful at one time or another. Unfortunately, they can only be issued *by* a privileged process *for* an active process --- which is seldom practical. My company has many clients running many different programs, and when a problem occurs there is simply no time to dial up or even prompt a local supervisor through the steps; I wanted my handlers to capture this information for me. So I've written some C and MACRO32 code (the latter with assistance from Brian J. Schenkenberger, a.k.a. "vaxman") to create two shareable images which write the desired output to a disk file at any time from within my programs. The information about "open files" (actually channels) is displayed as chan flags filespec ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------- 10 ( ) DKA100: 20 ( r ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[PUBLIC.HER]HERTEST.EXE;1 30 (sr ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]UVMTHRTL.EXE;1 40 ( ) RTA1: 50 ( ) RTA1: 60 (sr ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]LIBRTL.EXE;1 70 (sr ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[SYSCOMMON.SYSLIB]VAXCRTL.EXE;1 80 ( ) RTA1: 90 ( rw ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[USER.MURPHY]HARDWARE_EXCEPTION.RPT;1 A0 (sr ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[SYSCOMMON.SYSMSG]VAXCMSG.EXE;1 B0 ( r ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[PUBLIC.HOLMES]SHERLOCK.EXE;1 C0 (sr ) _CHRIS$DKA100:[PUBLIC.HOLMES]MYCROFT.EXE;2 r = read access s = section file w = write access x = exclusive access the information about "images" is displayed (scrunched to fit 80 columns) as chan name version linked codes gs ident address patch ---- --------------- ------- ------------ ----- -------- ----------- ----- 20 HERTEST V1.0 23-JUL 13:31 0,0 200: 35FF 1,2 30 MTHRTL V05-005 12-OCT 04:24 IOHS 129,12 3600:2D5FF 60 LIBRTL V05-001 12-OCT 04:20 IOHS 1,14 2D600:46BFF 70 VAXCRTL V05-001 12-OCT 04:32 IOHS 4,3 46C00:5E7FF A0 VAXCMSG V04-007 12-OCT 04:57 IOHS 0,0 7F800:805FF B0 SHERLOCK_HOLMES V1.0 23-JUL 14:03 0,0 80600:817FF C0 MYCROFT_HOLMES V1.0 23-JUL 14:02 IOHSP 1,0 81800:829FF and the information about "locks" is displayed (scrunched to fit 80 columns) as lockid parent resource grp access gr rq state valueblock -------- ------- ------------ --- ------ -- -- ------- ------------------- 5C0000B5 1000000 LMF$_VAX-VMS sys exec NL PW granted 0 0 0 0 2F0001BB 0 TEST_ONE sys user CR CR granted 0 0 0 0 200001F4 0 TEST_THREE 100 user EX EX granted 0 0 0 0 260001F6 0 TEST_TWO 100 user NL NL granted 0 0 0 0 10001FD 0 TEST_FOUR 100 user PW EX granted 1111 2222 3333 4444 30001FE 0 RMS$... sys exec EX NL granted 0 0 0 0 50001FF 30001FE APPENDER sys exec PW NL granted 0 0 0 0 2000202 30001FE .... sys exec NL EX granted 71 0 0 0 This package contains the source code and build procedure for both images and a sample program demonstrating a call. Since the open-files and activated-images information requires access, and access is required to find all of the existing-locks information, I decided to make two images: the more privileged image would be written in MACRO32 as a user-written system service which would gather the data, while the non-privileged image would be written in C as a dynamically-loaded shareable image for the simple reason that I did not want to link all of my programs against the privileged image. They are named MYCROFT and SHERLOCK respectively (Mycroft Holmes was Sherlock's smarter brother, which I found appropriate). The calling application invokes either of the two universal entry points in SHERLOCK, which in turn call several entry points in MYCROFT. +----------+ lib$find_image_symbol() +--------------+ | MAIN.EXE | ---------------------------> | SHERLOCK.EXE | +----------+ +--------------+ | linked V against +-------------+ | MYCROFT.EXE | installed /PROTECT +-------------+ The BUILD.COM procedure will attempt to compile any source modules whose matching object file is missing, then link the three images in "production" mode (i.e., no debug and no traceback). All necessary object files are included in the package for both VAX and AXP machines to avoid having to recompile. Images are also included in the package, but these should be avoided since the MYCROFT.EXE shareable is system-version dependent. After successfully building the images, the STARTUP.COM file must be run to define the logical names and install the images. Note that MYCROFT.EXE, as a protected shareable image, must be INSTALLed --- in fact, it must be INSTALLed with the /PROTECT qualifier. SHERLOCK.EXE, as a normal shareable image, does not have to be INSTALLed, unless of course the main executable which loads it is itself INSTALLed with privileges. Note that the logical names MYCROFT_HOLMES and SHERLOCK_HOLMES are defined by the STARTUP.COM procedure as executive-mode logicals in the system table; this is not *absolutely* necessary but is the canonical method. ok dpm -- David P. Murphy systems programmer (personal) COGITO ERGO DISCLAMO (work)